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Osaka et Cybervision

Fred Forest was invited along with two other artists, Luc Ferrari and Pierre Lafleur, to form a team to design the decoration for the Ivory Coast Pavilion at the Osaka World Fair in 1970. The idea was to create an interior decoration using audiovisual projections based on the "screen painting" model. A prototype of the installation was presented at the Galerie Facchetti on rue de l'Université in Paris under the name Cybervision.



Osaka (JP)

Theme: Ubiquité

Typology: Installation

Medium and media: Projection


Expo '70 at Osaka [60fps] POV from the monorail & cable car / Japan in 1970

Expo '70 at Osaka [60fps] POV from the monorail & cable car / Japan in 1970

Voir la vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEI4868ozYA

Voir la vidéo

1970 Osaka et Cybervision

A prototype of the installation is presented at the Galerie Facchetti on rue de l'Université in Paris under the name Cybervision.

Fred Forest was invited along with two other artists, Luc Ferrari and Pierre Lafleur, to form a team to design the decoration for the Ivory Coast Pavilion at the Osaka World Fair in 1970. Using audiovisual projections based on the "screen painting" model, they were to create the interior decoration of three cylindrical architectural structures designed by the Italian architect Rinaldo Olivieri.

The company in charge of the project has Claude Berquez as its director and Raoul Chandon as its main shareholder.

The company has rented huge studios in Neuilly-sur-Seine where the team will carry out full-scale tests before leaving for Osaka. Depending on the three themes chosen, the team will set up its projections in the three cylindrical buildings designed by Italian architect Rinaldo Olivieri.

1970 A OSAKA

Following Interrogation 69 and the presentation at the prestigious Galerie Paul Facchetti on rue de l'université in Paris of his screen painting under the name CYBERVISION, Fred Forest was contacted by a diplomat in La Côte who was looking for visual artists. He was then contacted by a diplomat from La Côte who was looking for visual artists. The latter would be useful for decorating his country's stand at the Osaka ‘70 World Fair. The artist entrusts the contact to a company headed by Claude Berquez, who helped him set up his installation for Interrogation 69 in Tour. This company was financed by one of the sons of a famous Champagne House who had set up an audiovisual company and whom we called by his first name, Raoul, while the computer specialist was called Gendrot.

Fred Forest was responsible for recruiting the artists who would make up the team: musician Luc Ferrari and Canadian artist Pierre Lafleur. The structure of the Côte d'Ivoire stand was entrusted to an Italian architect, Olivieri, and consists of three enormous concrete cylinders whose interior we are called upon to decorate with the projection of 10 000 photos.




Fred Forest has a special place in contemporary art. Both by his personality and by his pioneering practices which mark his work. He is mainly known today for having used one by one most of the communication media that have appeared over the last fifty years. He is co-founder of three artistic movements: those of sociological art, the aesthetics of communication and ethics in art.

He represented France at the 12th São Paulo Biennale (Communication Prize) in 1973, at the 37th Venice Biennale in 1976 and at Documenta 6 in Kassel in 1977.

